Monday, February 27, 2023

January reflections

Good morning/afternoon/evening,  you beautiful people! I am beginning a series, called monthly reflections. As the month of January has recently passed, I am going to reflect on the month that was lessons, mishaps and triumphs alike.

January is sarcastically known as Januworry in my home 🏠  country of South Africa πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦ as there is generally a lot of financial strain that comes with the New Year. With everyone being back at school, work and businesses being in full swing. Stress increases due to financial requirements and congestion on roads. To most it feels like the longest 31 days of the year and I can honestly agree. 

1) Patience is a virtue πŸ™πŸΌ 
Honestly everyday of last month felt like two combined. It was long and I honestly could not wait for the month to be done and over with. What I have learnt is that whenever, impatience is a temptation at your door, a lesson is equally right in front of you. I tried to think about why I wanted the month to be over and what I was in such a hurry for. I have to realize that, that feeling, 'I can't wait', is not a good thing. All good things take time. In the time that you do have to seemingly while away, you have an opportunity to learn, grow and rest. 

2) Save your coin πŸͺ™ 
I began this post mentioning money, in a joking manner but in all seriousness, the beginning of the year is like the money monster. The gift that keeps on giving! ( please note my sarcasm!) Throughout this year, please put away money for the beginning of the year crunch. That's what I am going to do this year and it's exciting because it's apart of growing up. Becoming financial responsible with money is not only vital but essential as a human being but more so as an adult. I am looking forward to intentionally becoming financially literate and I will definitely take you along as I learn more because it is such an important yet taboo topic. Wanting to have money does not make you a gold-digger, it makes you normal because we all truthfully need money but the way that you make it and maintain it is what counts. This is a whole entire topic for another blog post!

3) Don't ignore your body's signals 
Exhaustion, pain, tension, etc are all our body's way of communicating a need to us. I think living in a society which hard work is applauded and heavily encouraged, it is so easy to get caught up in trying to be everything to everyone and neglect rest. Slowing down and observing when we feel certain feelings can be vital and even life-saving. So as the year begins and you set out to achieve whatever you have your eye on. Don't forget to check in with yourself because nothing is more precious than your soul, your sanity πŸ’› and your health!

All my love, Ruth πŸ’š

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Valentine's is fast approaching so what is love?

Good morning/afternoon/evening, you beautiful people! 

I pray that you choose yourself this Valentines πŸ’!  Wanting to beloved by another is normal, completely natural but in your search for love and acceptance, don't be fooled by people who claim to love you. Be it a friend, neighbor, romantic partner or sadly even a parent.

Remember that love is forced. Love is not fear. Love is not violent. Love is not bribery. 

I believe that as human beings, we are all on a quest for love, it's only natural. As we grow older, we tend to associate love with the romantic kind but there is so much more to love! I believe the our first example of love is through our parents, the way in which they love each other and the way they love their children. That's the first example of love in our lives and sometimes we overlook our immediate family's love languages. A lot of time we take them for granted because we see all the time or we do not understand or notice their ways of showing their love and care for us. So this February, I urge you to do your best to notice what they do, you may realize that you have more abundance than you once thought!

And sadly if you do not, then don't feel bad for you are not alone! Awkward, toxic relations with family is more normal than discussed. The most important love that you have is the love that you give yourself and the love that you give to others! Naturally, the love that you give will come back to you, full circle. πŸ’š

 Valentine's may feel lonely as everything around us signals that we need a cuddle buddy to be normal and to feel loved. There is so much love around us if only we have the eyes to see and the ears to hear. We are loved, we are valued and valuable! Let Valentine's be more than just a day for lovers!

All my love, Ruthy ❤

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Life Lessons from 2022

Good morning/afternoon/evening, you beautiful people!

It's the second month of the year and the month of love! As we firmly progress into the new year, I hope you all have stopped writing 2022! 

Season 4 has officially begun as well as my second year in college! Which is absolutely crazy to think about, I just saw my new timetable and it's still sinking in that I am in a new level of tertiary. I am so immensely grateful for this opportunity πŸ™πŸΌ!

Looking back at the year that was, I would without a doubt call it, eventful. There were so many lessons that I have learnt, so as a final nod, a final curtain call to 2022, I am going to share a few lessons that I have learnt from my very eventful year.

1) Journaling 
I have always loved writing which is of the reasons why I created this blog but writing on a personal level has been of great help to me. I was just going through what I was writing at this time last year and it's crazy to see how different my entries are and where my headspace was at that time. I look back and I realize that I was at my most effective, grateful and in touch with reality when I journalled almost daily. I got off track later throughout the year and I didn't realize what was wrong until I started journaling again. So my advice to you is to journal daily, self-reflection is important but equally as important as being able to have a space where you can be honest with yourself and not be judged for your feelings and your emotions. 

2) Your education and knowledge can never be taken away from you
I have heard this before, time and time again but I have never understood it until recently. To me, it's means that the knowledge, experience and confidence that I gain from my education is something that no one can take away from me. It's forever apart of me and that's what makes education so powerful. It not only allows you to get out of poverty but it changes your mindset. When you know better, you do better and education helps you to know better. If you allow it to, it can truly make you a better person, which is why it's so important to study what you love and have an interest in.

3) Passion is build, it's not instant
As I have mentioned, I am a second year college student, studying Marketing and I truly love what I do. I am excited to be able to help promote quality products and brands, as well as environmental consciousness. I am excited to be apart of creating memorable and wholesome adverts like the ones that I grew up watching and still remember 'till today. It wasn't always this way though. I remember not knowing what course to take when applying for college, both of my parents wanted me to study farming but my heart said no. I had also given a lifelong dream of becoming a veterinarian and I felt lost. I chose Marketing because it seemed interesting, I had no passion for it but I was open-minded, with the understanding that passion can grow, just like love ❤. There are still days when I have to remind myself that this is my chosen path, that I tried my absolute hardest to finish school traditionally but it was out of my control. I still wake up and chose to be a caring marketer, sometimes passion is choice. I choose to be committed, to give it time and see it takes me. So please, study what you like and what interests you and remain focused, sometimes detours have the best views, instead of traditional pathways. I feel like it makes me a more well-rounded person. ❤ I learnt this from Dr Sarang Choi, find an adjective to describe your career of choice, it gives your job more depth and purpose.

4) Pray
My advice, my lessons are incomplete without mentioning my faith. It is my rock in difficulties and what keeps me going when I feel like calling it quits. I prayed so much last year because I understand how humanly weak I am. Being out of the traditional education system for 3 years left me feeling afraid of the unknown. I felt stupid and not enough. But I took all my fears to Jesus, I told Him all my sorrows, my pain, the unfairness that I had experienced and the weaknesses that I felt. I asked Him to bless the work of my hands and be with me, throughout this entire journey. I prayed as if, if God did not come through, then nothing else could be done for me. I asked for beauty for my ashes and I played my part by giving it my all each and every day, no matter how I felt. God honored me and restored me by granting me a miracle. I got the highest grades within my level and my department! I was just begging God for 60% but He gave me so much more! So take it to the King, even though you don't have much to bring, you heart may be torn in pieces but it's still an offering! ( I was messing around with lyrics from Tamela Mann's Take me to the King, it's a wonderful song and I highly advice you to give it a listen 🎢 ❤)

5) Let go of who you were, in order to build who you are becoming 
This is the scariest advice that I have given because it was the scariest thing that I have ever done, so far! I was obsessed with the girl that I was in primary school. That Ruthy was confident, intelligent and a go-getter but I felt like I had lost her. I worked so hard trying to revive her but it never worked and now I understand why. I am 20-years-old and I can never go back to being 14. I am different as much as I am the same person, I have changed over time. By holding onto a different version of myself from six years ago, I am hindering the woman that I am capable of becoming. The moment I released my 14 year old self and became open to exploring 19 year old Ruthy, things shifted in my life. I allowed God to mold me and I stopped grieving for what I lost and looked at the opportunity that I have been given. So please, do not compare yourself to a past version. It's okay to change. Don't limit God by pointing out your victories and asking for a repeat. Allow God to move you higher by giving Him room to raise you up, so you can stand on mountains.

That's a wrap on 2022πŸ‘! I hope and pray that 2023 will be good to us all!
My new uploading schedule is Sundays at 23:00 CAT!
I love you all so dearly πŸ’› πŸ’“! Thank you for being here, please feel free to share your own advice in comment 😊 section below!

All my love 

Let's Talk: Youth DayπŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦ + Father's Day: A dual celebration?

Good morning/afternoon/ evening, you beautiful people!  It is a chilly winter evening as I write to you all on June 16th. Today is a dual ho...