January reflections

Good morning/afternoon/evening,  you beautiful people! I am beginning a series, called monthly reflections. As the month of January has recently passed, I am going to reflect on the month that was lessons, mishaps and triumphs alike.

January is sarcastically known as Januworry in my home 🏠  country of South Africa 🇿🇦 as there is generally a lot of financial strain that comes with the New Year. With everyone being back at school, work and businesses being in full swing. Stress increases due to financial requirements and congestion on roads. To most it feels like the longest 31 days of the year and I can honestly agree. 

1) Patience is a virtue 🙏🏼 
Honestly everyday of last month felt like two combined. It was long and I honestly could not wait for the month to be done and over with. What I have learnt is that whenever, impatience is a temptation at your door, a lesson is equally right in front of you. I tried to think about why I wanted the month to be over and what I was in such a hurry for. I have to realize that, that feeling, 'I can't wait', is not a good thing. All good things take time. In the time that you do have to seemingly while away, you have an opportunity to learn, grow and rest. 

2) Save your coin 🪙 
I began this post mentioning money, in a joking manner but in all seriousness, the beginning of the year is like the money monster. The gift that keeps on giving! ( please note my sarcasm!) Throughout this year, please put away money for the beginning of the year crunch. That's what I am going to do this year and it's exciting because it's apart of growing up. Becoming financial responsible with money is not only vital but essential as a human being but more so as an adult. I am looking forward to intentionally becoming financially literate and I will definitely take you along as I learn more because it is such an important yet taboo topic. Wanting to have money does not make you a gold-digger, it makes you normal because we all truthfully need money but the way that you make it and maintain it is what counts. This is a whole entire topic for another blog post!

3) Don't ignore your body's signals 
Exhaustion, pain, tension, etc are all our body's way of communicating a need to us. I think living in a society which hard work is applauded and heavily encouraged, it is so easy to get caught up in trying to be everything to everyone and neglect rest. Slowing down and observing when we feel certain feelings can be vital and even life-saving. So as the year begins and you set out to achieve whatever you have your eye on. Don't forget to check in with yourself because nothing is more precious than your soul, your sanity 💛 and your health!

All my love, Ruth 💚


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