Sometimes the detour has better views❤️

Good morning/afternoon/evening, you beautiful people! 
I cannot believe that is only a week left of my three year college journey. This final week is a week of pushing through and deep reflection. 

University seemed so far away in the spring of 2021, when I applied for college. I never saw my life past the last three years. I just knew that I had to keep going and see my years at college through. There was no plan B and no other option but through. I prayed and I cried and God has continuously showed Himself so mightily, faithfully and mercifully in my life. His strength is always made perfect in my weakness. Now, a new chapter awaits and I do not know what the future holds. What I do know is that, since God has been so good to me, my new chapter in life is nothing to fear! 

I want you to know that whether you are starting or ending a chapter in your life, it's okay not to take a route that is popular or that "makes sense." If college, university, entrepreneurship or any other endeavor is what is best for you, then go for it! We all experience life in seasons. Hot and cold, difficulties and triumph. Don't let what may seem ideal or plausible for most become the bar for you. Deep down, you may know what you want, what you need or at least what you feel drawn to do. Follow that before meeting the expectations of the world. You are a flower, allow yourself to bloom into someone that little you and future you would be proud of. 
Don't be discouraged or ashamed of your path and your individual journey. Do not compare yourself either, we are all blessed and favoured by God! 
Do not ever give up! See things through, especially when you don't want to! Do not give into the temptation to quit or throw it all away. Keep on believing, keep on dreaming. Reach for the moon because even if you don't reach it, you'll land among the stars 🌌!

 Just because it's taking longer does not mean that you have failed. The only way to fail is to give up. Don't give up! You'll get there, one step at a time! I truly believe that we will get to where we need to be and hopefully make a positive difference along the way❤️.

All my love ❤️


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