Sunday, August 27, 2023

Let's Talk: The end of August, Women's month and Spring Test Series ๐ŸŒธ

Good morning/afternoon/evening, you beautiful people! 

It's a beautiful warm, windy Sunday afternoon, spring is saying hi!

August is women's month in South Africa and I had to do a presentation for my Advertising and Promotions Project and Coca-Cola was my muse. I had to come up with a competition and a reason as to why people should buy a particular coke andhow it positively contributes to people's lives. While I was busy thinking what I was going to do. An idea came to me and it really stuck with me because I thought, what would really change the lives of my target market?

I then came up with the idea of partnering with UNISA, SAMSUNG, MTN with Coca-Cola being the main benefactor to help pay tuition fees until completion and gift the winners with data, airtime and laptop and cellphone, courtesy of MTN and SAMSUNG. UNISA wil award 9 provincial winners with an opportunity to go to university, night school or college. While all these wonderful ideas are unfortunately at this point in time fictional. It made me realize something. 

What's missing in society are not just opportunities but accessible opportunities. I hope to one day be able to help award opportunities to more who are in need of them, through my career in marketing. I would love to help companies take more coporate social responsibility. I truly love what I do and I am excited to see how it unfolds in the future! 

This is the last week before my exams start so a lot of studying and a lot less sleep will underway for me but it will be worth it in the end! ๐ŸŽ“❤️

I wish for you all to remain healthy, Friends! 
Don't forget to sleep, eat well, pray and take good care of yourself and those that you love. It's so easy to get caught up in our responsibilities that we neglect ourselves. Remember that you cannot give away what you do not have, you cannot pour from an empty cup.  

Let's enjoy the seasonal changes together and soak in the last week of winter!

Wishing you a magical and prosperous week ahead!
All my love ❤️

Sunday, August 13, 2023

A little encouragement before exams ❤️

Good morning/afternoon/evening, you beautiful people! 

 As many of you know, I am a second year marketing student at college. September is internal exam time and that means that we write exams based on the whole book, and the tests are set up by our lecturers, hence the term internal. 

I know that this is such a stressful time for students, especially when there is so much content to cover, so little time and so much at stake. I just want you to not give up. 

You are brave and strong for pushing through, don't throw in the towel. Do it for your future self, please don't allow temporary pain and struggles to become long-term trauma. 

There is not a lot that we have in our control but the things we have in our control, such as how we choose to show up, regardless of our situation is what shapes us. Keep going, let's keep going together. 

All my love ๐Ÿ’š

Sunday, August 6, 2023

My trip to the National Zoology Gardens (Pretoria Zoo)

Good morning/afternoon/evening, you beautiful people! 

Earlier this week on Wednesday, I was granted the incredible opportunity to visit and volunteer at Pretoria Zoo, as apart of my Life Orientation curriculum to volunteer in my community.

I have always wanted to visit the zoo, as I pass it on a daily basis on my way to school but I always had a reason as not to visit. 'Too cold, too tired, too busy', the list is endless. It was when my classmates and I had failed to find a place to volunteer at, when my mom suggested that the zoo may be open to volunteers. So, my classmates and I went to go inquire if they were indeed open to us visiting. 

It took so much effort as we were given the wrong number and wasted countless minutes, calling and calling to no avail. We did not give up, we were determined! So we called again and we were told that we had been given the wrong contact number and were instructed to go back and ask for a specific team leader. We were lucky enough to meet him in person and we were afforded a time and date to volunteer!

It was such an extraordinary experience because the zoo is huge! We meet with a lovely coordinator, who was so bubbly and hospitable, the zoo felt like a second home by the time I left. I felt so comfortable on the same turf as lions! Imagine!
I truly feel so blessed because as an African, I always felt so upset that as someone indigenous to this land, this continent I had never seen the big 5! ๐Ÿฆ I have seen zebras before very close to where I live and I even wrote to the environmental department of my country but that is another story for another Sunday! The animals are so beautiful and I was constantly in awe of God's creation and how huge they are really are in person.

I specifically performed the task of top dressing. I helped separate elephant manure from trash, so that the manure can be raked onto the grass. This is a task that the zoo performs in winter, to help the grass remain green and fresh. It was an exhausting task and I am in awe of the women who work so hard to do this task! It is quite noble and difficult, I just wish that they were more proud of themselves and of the incredible task that they are doing. Another thing that I realized was that the elephant manure came straight from the elephant so why was it mixed with trash? I asked this question and the answer I received was that, the people who collect the elephant manure put it with trash. That is such an oxymoron because it's not environmentally friendly or conscious because there will still be some fragments of trash left. I wish and hope that the zoo can change this in future. ๐Ÿ’š
There is so much to write about, such as how the strike in town has affected and polluted the river that runs through the zoo. It goes to show just how much everything that we do has such a ripple effect. 

All-in-all, it was such an amazing trip, as I spoke to some of my colleagues who are studying the same course that I don't usually talk to. I was a lot more outgoing and it put my leadership, time management and people skills to the test. I thoroughly enjoyed my day at the zoo and will most definitely be returning to volunteer soon!❤️

I will would love to leave you with food for thought this week instead of a quote of the week: I would like to challenge you to see the importance in the good that you do no matter how small it may be. Even if it's not glamorous or conventionally seen as normal,  embrace it and be proud!  All the good that you do truly does come back to you ten fold.

All my love 

Let's Talk: Youth Day๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฆ + Father's Day: A dual celebration?

Good morning/afternoon/ evening, you beautiful people!  It is a chilly winter evening as I write to you all on June 16th. Today is a dual ho...