Monday, October 2, 2023

Disposable Cup By Ruthy Zikhali

Good morning/afternoon/evening, you beautiful people! 
It has been a while since I last wrote a poem but inspiration struck and Disposable Cup was born. Enjoy! 

Image Credit: 

He filled my cup
Made me feel like I was enough
Or so I thought
A father is supposed to care
And always be there
But without fail he makes me feel 
Like a disposable cup
Like a snob
For only needing to be loved
Always running on empty 
When he is around
Which is pretty rare
Because he treats parenthood 
Like a playground
In and out like a set of revolving doors
Like I am chasing a ghost 
Grasping onto thin air
It isn't fair
I wish not to care
But I do and it makes me feel
Like a jersey after too many wears 
It tears and it sheds
Like the tears on my bed
He says, he loves me
He says, he cares 
Then why do I feel like a disposable cup?!
Never worthy, never enough 
Never valued like ceramic or glass
Never valued enough to be polished and put up on a shelf 
Having reduced value
Before it is a cup, it is disposable 
Whether used for coffee once
Or cola twice 
A disposable cup always ends up in the trash 
That's how this relationship makes me feel
So incredibly bashed

All my love ❤️

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