How to Deal with Post Results Disappointment (even if you passed)
Good morning/afternoon/evening, you beautiful people! I received my results and I was overwhelmed with relief and so much gratitude for the fact that I actually passed. I was almost immediately met with disappointment. I expected more from myself. I knew that I could have done better. I knew that I should have been more prepared and what hurt me the most is that I did not feel that I gave up absolute best and left my heart on the floor. I was overwhelmed and saddened by my own expectations and the fear that I had disappointed others as well. I was spiralling when I had had a conversation with my mother and her advice truly helped me out of my slump. She told me to feel my disappointment and let it guide me. She said that I should ask myself why I feel disappointed and answer it truthfully. How do you feel about your results? Name the specific emotion that runs through you. Once you have identified and named your emotion/s, ask yourself why you feel th...