How to Deal with Post Results Disappointment (even if you passed)

Good morning/afternoon/evening, you beautiful people! 

I received my results and I was overwhelmed with relief and so much gratitude for the fact that I actually passed.

I was almost immediately met with disappointment. I expected more from myself. I knew that I could have done better. I knew that I should have been more prepared and what hurt me the most is that I did not feel that I gave up absolute best and left my heart on the floor. 

I was overwhelmed and saddened by my own expectations and the fear that I had disappointed others as well. I was spiralling when I had had a conversation with my mother and her advice truly helped me out of my slump. She told me to feel my disappointment and let it guide me. She said that I should ask myself why I feel disappointed and answer it truthfully. 

How do you feel about your results? Name the specific emotion that runs through you. 

Once you have identified and named your emotion/s, ask yourself why you feel this way? Is it because of pressure, fear, stress, anxiety, etc.? Be specific, if it's pressure for example, pressure from who and why? 

When you have identified your emotions, allow yourself to digest them without allowing it to become you. E.g. I am disappointed with my final results but I am not a disappointment. 

You are allowed to experience your sadness in the duality of being human. You can be sad yet grateful. You can be discouraged yet hopeful. It's okay to feel different emotions, even if they are seemingly contradicting feelings. 

The Bible reminds us that the worst is never truly the worst, take heart. Even if this may be the worst case scenario in your mind, it is not so take heart.❤️

Lamentations 3:28 - 30 (MSG Version) 

Please be kind to yourself and allow yourself to be proud of yourself! Success stems from so many things not just academic validation and success. Were you kind, considerate, lovingly, Godly, helpful, honest, gentle and faithful? These characteristics and more to me also mean success. If you are this and more than you have succeeded at being a wonderful human being. That is such a beautiful accomplishment! Well done!😊

Last but not least learn from your disappointment or discomfort. What is this teaching you? How can you avoid going around this mountain once again?

What I have learned is to study earlier and consistently. Don't stop and don't drop that  ball. I need to be a little obsessed with giving it my 110%, so no matter what happens I can feel proud knowing that there's nothing I would have done differently and it becomes so much easier to view my outcome as fate and God's will rather than my own shortcomings. 

I have also learned the importance of the right mental space. Being the “strong one”, does not truly benefit you. Choose yourself so that you can live with the consequences of your decisions without regret.

That's all, my loves! You passed, well done! It's okay to cry, cry it out and feel what you feel. Your emotions are valid and should not be bottled up! Remember that life does not end here! You can go to university, college, take a gap year, start a business or improve your results, if that is what you want to do. You are still in the driver's seat of your own life. While this is an important chapter of your life, it is only a chapter. Remember that you still have an entire book of experiences to live, so please choose life and life in abundance 🙏! 

John 10:10 (NIV Version) 

Thank you for being here, thank you for fighting, thank you for not giving up. It's okay to be sad, it's okay to be upset. Tears cleanse the soul and relieve the heart. ❤️

All my love ❤️


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