A Letter to My 18-year-old self
Good morning/afternoon/evening, you beautiful people!
It's the beginning of a new month as winter settles here in South Africa. I turned 19 last month and looking back at the past year of being 18, there are a few things that I would said to myself. Lessons that I have now learnt and I thought that it would make an excellent blog post because it may help someone else regardless of their age. It's also fun to compile all my knowledge into one station and read back on it later on. Enjoy!
Dear Ruthy,
I know that you thought that you had everything under control. That you are this calm, level-headed young woman who loves, forgives and is doing great. While I love your positivity, honesty takes the cake and lying to yourself is not going to help. Feeling your emotions is wise, far more than stuffing them away in hope that they will die down and fade away.
Forgiveness of self and others is not an instantaneous decision, that with the words, ''I forgive you,'' disappears, most especially when there are consequences from the hurt. It takes time and the journey to healing is intentional. An apology does not carry your healing or sometimes even your closure. So it is so important to do the inner work. Carrying around bitterness is tempting but it is not the answer.
Life will without doubt throw curve balls at you but take heart, it will strengthen you and make you grow as a person.
Trust your gut now more than ever, if something feels off, trust that intuition. It will protect and guide you as you age.
You have absolutely no idea what life will throw at you so don't you dare try and plan it all out! Allow your life to be molded by God, whatever that comes your way, trust that it will work out in your favour in the end. Let it come and let it go! Have faith in God and yourself, you're good person!
Focus on your education. This is something that all my elders have telling me but no really focus! Being educated is so much more than getting a good grade or a degree. Being educated means that the knowledge that you are learning changes your mindset, your point of view and eventually your behaviour, that is the true meaning of education. Be open minded to versatile methods, there is so much to learning than the typical sitting at a desk in a school system.
Hone in on your independence. You are young and have so much potential. Look at yourself and become creative, don't just look up to your parents. Being independent will make you a stronger woman and will open doors for you. You never what you can achieve unless you try! Don't be afraid the world is not all evil.
Love yourself, treat yourself like you would someone who you love and cherish. Self-love is not bubble baths and manicures, it's looking at your weak points and seeking help. It's forcing yourself to do what you don't want to do but what your future self will thank you for.
Release expectations around those close to you and just love. Love without expectations and do the right thing, always.
Integrity is never wasted. Be that girl who is always honest but don't waste your time being open with those that can't handle the truth, let them be but don't lie to yourself regarding the situation.
I love you, remember that you are worthy of love and that life is not about what happens to you but how you react. I'll always be here for you, no matter what, remember that life is worth living. You still have so much good to do in this world.
Love, Ruthy
Well I could honesty go on for much longer but let's save that for future blog posts. I tried to my best to be honest, whilst being neutral and not over-sharing. I hope that you enjoyed it and perhaps picked up a thing or two. Let me know what you would like to read so that I can write about it, no topic is off limits!
Thank you for being here exactly as you are!🙏
I love you all so dearly!
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