Let's Talk: My Tips on how to make exam season a lot more bearable

 Good morning/afternoon/evening,  you beautiful people! 

Exam season is upon us! A season of bottomless coffee cups, sleepless nights and time spent cramming, while this is not good for your health, desperate time call for desperate measures! As a fellow student, I am here to give some tips that have made and are still making a huge difference in my academic career. 

1) Please attend exam/test revision classes 
This can make a world of a difference, especially if the subject teacher is not difficult or lazy and she/he truly reviews the subject properly. In my case, it has made my work feel digestible, especially because the syllabus says, chapter 1-6, which the whole book! My teacher went through the book with me chapter by chapter and I feel more prepared to face my tests.

2) Be Kind to your Lecturers
Be kind! I have found that a lot of the time, students misjudge a lecturer, based on how they walk or something really small. What I have found really helpful, is to be kind. To be respectful to the lecturer, whether they are 5 years older than you or 25 years older than you. Remember that the teacher holds a lot of power regarding your academic career and it is in your best interest to get along with them as well as you can. Observe what their preferences are and steer clear of their dislikes and irritations, be it late coming, chewing gum in class or asking questions while they are still teaching. If your teacher dislikes you, it will make you academic life unnecessarily difficult so try as hard as possible to be likable and kind. Trust me when I say that you are doing yourself a huge favour. 

3) Get rid of the fear of asking questions 
Teachers are paid and compensated to be there, whether they act like it or not! It's important to gather your courage and ask teachers for help, assistance or whatever it is that you need that is academically relevant or related. 

4) Do not be afraid to go to another lecturer who teaches the same subject for help
Initially I used to think that, that it was an insult to my own subject teacher, if I went to someone else. I used to think that this means that I am implying that they are incompetent. Which is true, if you need to go another teacher who teaches the same subject, it says a lot about the way that they manage their classroom. If they are approachable and willing to help students or not but in no way is this a bad reflection of you. Instead it says that you are a studious student who cares to know and fully understand their work it says that you care. As long as you have actually given your subject lecturer a true chance. By observing and finding the right way to approach them in a calm, respectful and kind manner, being considerate of the fact that they are human and may not always be kind and professional even if they are supposed to be. In a way teachers are like parents, you have to give them grace, otherwise you will have a really bad relationship. I'll give a personal example, I had an test, coming up and my subject lecturer did not give my class substantial scope to be able to tackle and study properly for the test. So I was able to (thankfully) get proper scope from some else in a different class, who has a different lecturer. This can apply to other students as well, there is nothing wrong with asking for help but I prefer teachers because they are less likely to be biased and will not give wrong information out of spite or jealously. 

5) Go through past question papers
This tip is life-changing because it not only tests your knowledge but teaches you the phrasing of questions. Sometimes we actually know the answer but the way and manner in which the question is asked is so confusing that we do not notice the real question because we are too busy focusing on too many elements instead of learning certain terminology and simplifying the question.

6) Be Calm!
Stressing makes you forgetful and takes you out of your lane of manifestation and progress. Be calm, regardless, whether you have been studying for three weeks or 3 days! I am typically the latter but trust me when I say stressing will make a bad situation worse. Staying calm can help you to remember what your teacher had taught in class or can pull your common sense and you realize that you can actually write something. Being calm can help you to pray and prayer can make you calm. I personally ask God to help me remember what I studied and what I have not studied!

7) Don't leave blank spaces 
Personally, from a young age I was taught not to leave any blank spaces. I was taught that writing something is better than writing nothing because you never know if you could be right! I really agree with this because I feel that handing in a paper with blank spaces encourages you to give up. I feel that trying is so important even if you believe that you are wrong. It's important to try, it also encourages you to study harder so that you do not encounter such difficulties in the future. 

Well, those are my 7 tips! I wish you all the best, my fellow scholars I know that we can do this! 
Please share your own tips, in the comment section!

All my love💚💜


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