April Reflections: Part 1

Good morning/afternoon/evening, you beautiful 

I pray that the rest of May will be a month of blessings, ease and blooming! 

The month of April was quite difficult for me but what I have come to realize or rather accept is that with many trials, come many opportunities. Opportunities to grow, to learn, to become resilient , to become independent or become honest and more myself. This is why I love this monthly reflections so much, it instills within that a month cannot pass without me learning something, either from myself or from those around me. Life is meant to full of bumps because well it's our first time here on Earth, our very first time alive! 

1) Drop an all or nothing attitude 
This really tested my patience because I was captain queen of it's either all in or all out. This is applicable in certain scenarios but in most this mindset is not wise. Pacing yourself is more realistic, especially if your goal is longevity and enjoyment. I started working out recently and I follow a weekly exercise plan, so I know exactly what I need to do, this eliminates decision fatigue for me but I encountered another problem. I do not exercise every single day and whenever I would miss a day (or two!), the temptation to make up for those missed days was so strong. I know that I am in a journey, meaning that exercising to me is not for a dream body, with a dream timeline. For me, exercising is a lifestyle change as well as a mental shift. Changes, long-lasting changes take time. All in good time, I will get there, little by little. It may not be daily but, weekly is enough is make a difference, as long as I am consistent and persistent. So keep going for your dreams and goals, knowing that you can't catch up on a day past but you can do whatever is in your power within each 24 hour period that we are graced with by our Heavenly Father.

2) Patience makes the future possible
You will never know where you are going if you are in a rush. Sounds ironic, right!? This is so true though. There are times where I don't know where I'll end up or where I'll be life but by taking it one day at a time and allowing myself to breathe and have patience on my journey, I make my future possible. I allow it to come to me as it should because worry and impatience won't make any better and it will not make better days come any faster. Remember that the bad times build character, if you allow. So don't rush through life, we all only get one shot at this experience, so let's smell the flowers while we are at. 

3) Give things time 
By giving yourself time to think, instead of  making a rash decision, you drastically decrease your chances of messing things up. I have to come to realize that many things are not as urgent as they are panned/ made out to be! I now have to observe that I need to slow down when I am tired and moody because this is when I am most likely to make mistakes, even though in my hazy state it seemed like the best idea. Your feelings are valid, things can go slowly. It's not always bad not to know where things are headed. Taking it slow gives you the freedom to make that you are making the right choice for your own life, with a clear mind.

4) Take responsibility for your human experience but don't beat yourself up about it
Mishaps and accidents will occur but don't let your mistakes define you. Your worth is innate and your value does not lie in material things such as books, pens, money or any tangible object. To me, value is abstract, it's in your soul. It's apart of your package, apart of who God created when He made each and every one of us. It's okay to feel sad and more than okay to take responsibility but don't let what you have done define what you can do. Guilt is a life killer, let it go before it takes all that you have left and hold so dearly. You are loved! You are valued! You are seen! You are enough, more than enough!

Part 2 drops next week! How was the month of April for you? What lessons has April taught? I would love to know!

All my love 


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