Let's Talk: Turning 21, cultivating independence and my 2nd year in college.

Good morning/afternoon/evening, you beautiful people!

It's been awhile and I am so glad to be back! I will definitely be consistent with a new blog post every Sunday evening at 22:00 CAT! 

Two weeks ago I turned 21! A life-changing age, a milestone age, as I am now fully legal. To me, each year that I grow older I see as such a big blessing because I cannot bring breath to my body each day. I never truly imagined being 21, I always envisioned 18 but I stopped picturing my life and goals further on in my life. Now I definitely am!  I am in my second year of college and being 21 also means that I am also halfway through my college journey. A journey I began with God and the support of my mom because I had no idea where it would lead and to be honest I still do not see the whole picture but I am choosing to follow my heart. I felt drawn to it and while it's not always easy, I have never once regretted my decision and I am so proud of myself for listening to myself and not anyone else regarding such a big life decision.

Turning 21 has brought on such reflection in my life. As someone who is fully legal, how do I expect to independently be able to provide for myself? A question that has been bugging me for several months now, but a question that I have actually come to answer, with God's help! This has brought so much relief to my soul because I feel like this is such a big part of being an adult, true independence is also financial independence! 

21 means so much to me and I am looking forward to what adulthood has for me. I am also looking to to cultivating my dream life and doing more internal work. I am so excited to take you along on the journey, every Sunday at 22:00! I have not written on my blog in two months so it feels weird but I am so ready to get back into it! So many exciting updates for you all!!! 

Question of the week: What does getting older mean to you? (There's absolutely no wrong answer, whatever aging means to you is valid!)

All my love 💚


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