Sunday, December 3, 2023

To God's Strongest Soliders Feeling At Their Wits End Around Exam Time ♥️

Good morning, afternoon/ evening, you beautiful people!

I wrote this last month and it did not make the cut to be posted because I was extremely busy and stressed, this may come a little late as I am writing my last exam this week and most students have already ready finished writing, however I still feel the need to post this. 
Please take whatever you need from this💜

If you have chosen to become educated. Choosing this path is not for everyone and that is completely okay but if you have chosen to become educated; then this is for you❤️

I am right in the middle of exam season and right in the middle of battle, so it seems. 

There is so much noise and chaos in my head, so many expectations, from myself and from others as well. The more that I pondered about my struggles, my plight and what felt like the great burden upon my shoulders, the heavier I felt.

But I soon came to realize that the burdens of my heart stemmed from societal pressure and academic validation and not from wanting to be my best and truly know my content.

Upon realizing this I have released the burden of academic validation. I now value my knowledge, to me that is what makes education something that no one can take away from me. I just want to do my very best and show up consistently for myself, then for others. 

To me, being able to fully understand, teach and apply the principles that I have learnt and am learning as a marketer is so much more valuable to me than an A. 

Remember that your results are based on so many factors such as, the type of person who marks your paper, what topics are included and excluded in your paper, how well or poorly you revised, how nervous you were, your home/study environment, the list is endless but so is your potential! 

I want you to value being an educated man or woman and truly understand what that means to you. To me it means being able to understand the wants and needs of a market and being able to sell a product or service profitably while still practicing social corporate responsibility. I value being able to ignite a passion in others studying my course and show them that it isn't hard and rather can be enjoyed instead of feared. I truly have developed a passion for what I do and for me that provides so much joy and purpose that it eases away my worry. 

I have done what I can do, I will continue to do what I can do, studying and burning the midnight oil. But after this week is over and I have concluded my second year of college, I leave it all in God's capable hands. I saw this quote on Instagram that said, ' The God of Elijah is the God of your grades too', the same God Almighty holds your future. Do not become discouraged, continue studying and give the rest to God♥️. 

2024 will be beautiful 🌱, let's carry on, the finish line is within reach!

All my love ♥️

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