Sunday, December 17, 2023

My Thoughts on Miss Universe South Africa 2023 and the Miss South Africa Organization

Good morning/afternoon/evening, you beautiful people!

I am only now coming off the annual high that Miss Universe 🌌 gives me! I would first off like to say how proud I am of Bryoni, she truly represented South Africa well, especially considering how oddly quiet she was during  the build-up to Miss Universe. She pleasantly surprised me. There are certain things that I cannot stop thinking about and knowing myself, once I write about it, I will finally be able to move on! 

I truly believe, if you like someone, you cannot be afraid to critique them, especially when done in love, coming from a good place. So here is my bone to pick with South Africa's Miss Universe representative. 

When Bryoni introduced her advocacy, I was so excited! Having experienced and witnessed this kind of violence, her message hit home and it felt incredible to see someone caring. But most importantly someone who was going to do something to help. 

I was quickly disappointed when she seemed to not have a deep understanding of the severity of the advocacy that she has chosen. Even going has far as to mention the names of the dead! I expected her to come fully prepared when she unveiled her advocacy. Having such a beautiful name, HerWayOut, is so touching because that's all women in abusive relations want, their way out. 

I thought that she would use her legal knowledge and connections to create a website where she can have Q and A and answer legal questions pertaining to abusive relationships and the children caught inbetween. A website that give tips and knowledge such as, the fact that you need to be escorted to a shelter by either a social worker or the police. Knowing such things can be valuable information to a woman planning to make her escape.

I would love to see her go to shelters and meet the women there and offer some legal advice and hope. I know from personal experience that seeing another woman of colour who is educated, empowered and beautiful would have been so encouraging. Seeing so much violence and despair can make a better life seem like a Mission Impossible movie, only I am not Tom Cruise. 

Considering that this is such a sensitive topic, why the silence? We want action, not selfies. I know that there is still next year but between December and February, so much occurs. It is such a dangerous and vulnerable time for women who are affected by violence. This is the time to be active and present, there is so much to do! These actions do not have to be vast or expensive but caring, intentional and consistent. 

Going to shelters with someone dressed up as Santa, a wonderful Christmas playlist and a lovely festive party filled with cake, chips and sweets and a wonderful nutritional meal, that will leave everyone needing doggy bags! 
Giving the women and children, a shoe box filled with toothpaste, their very own toothbrush, an outfit, a snack, lotion and a sweet message.  Making a list filled with children's shoe sizes and coming back in January with school bags and school shoes, it's things like these that make such a big difference and help curb the statistics. 

I do not understand why take on such a sensitive advocacy, only to continue posting pictures as normal.

She has so much access to sponsors and people who would be willing to help. As a marketer, I know that brands doing charity is a beautiful thing that also benefits them so much. 1) They get tax cuts for donating  to the needy and running programs such as foundations, etc. 2) It is great publicity and pr because when we as customers see a brand in a positive light , we are more lightly to develop interest and support them financially.  

I do not see brands like Woolworths declining her offer because they are already doing amazing things by donating food to shelters. The access to sponsors is there, the platform is there but the willingness seems to be lacking.  

I am extremely disappointed because I had hoped that this time it would be different because I have seen this story before. Beauty queen hopefuls come and make grand promises, start advocacies and foundations that they leave high and dry once they gain the public eye that they so dearly want. Then what becomes of the social ills that they claimed to want to help irradiate? 

As for the Miss SA Organization, why is only one beauty queen's advocacy being fully supported and broadcast to the public?

I hope to see this change in future!

All my love

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