March Reflections
Good morning/afternoon/evening, you beautiful people!
It is the beginning of a new month, a new school term. How did we get here?! 😂
Now that the first three months of the year are over, it is time for me to collect myself and forge ahead but first let's look at the month that was and lessons that the month of March have taught me.
1) Focus on yourself
So many things happen in our lives and at times it feels like we are driving a car with no brakes. Life moves on without you and it's your responsibility to keep up and be on top of your responsibilities as a human being. I know just how tempting it is to allow your problems at home to consume you and become not just your world but your entire universe. While this feeling is normal, it will NOT help you at all. Not even short term! You have to focus on yourself. You cannot make your problems at home, your whole world. Especially because all this won't matter nearly as much in 5 years time. You matter, your future, your goals, your dreams. Do not carry the weight of your family problems and drop your own responsibilities. It is not easy to do but it is possible, so please focus on yourself and what you CAN do. You are worth it! 💖
2) Nurture your current relationships
I hurt my younger sister's feelings, just the other day. I was careless with my words and I asked her to, "please go away". I did not think much of my request because I wanted space and looking back, I realised just how wrong I was. I had forgotten what it was like to be 10 and want to be involved and liked and not constantly told to leave. It's not just about how you say something, it's also what you say that matters too! I am mentioning this, in order to help myself take more care of my relationships. Relationships are beautiful and take work. Remember to look after your relationships, especially with someone who looks up to you. It's not just about you and your feelings, your loved ones' feelings matters too. ❤️
This is a reminder to me(and any older siblings) to work on being a better older sibling. If you and your sibling/s take care of this relationship, it can be such a beautiful lifelong relationship💕.
3) When you pray for rain, bring an umbrella
This means that you should have faith in what you are praying for. It means that you are to prepare, even if what you are praying for looks unlikely. When there is not a grey cloud in the sky, bring your umbrella☔. Have faith and prepare for what you are praying for.
4) Journal
It's important to journal even when you do not feel like it. It helps you to see where you are at mentally and to document your life. It's incredible looking back at some of older journal entries and being so shocked at my mental headspace and realizing that life did get better, even when it felt like it was all going to end at that time. Sometimes reading a previous journal entry on a difficult day, makes me smile because remembering whatever made my day in that entry makes me know that a better day will come.
Pic Author credit: zoecwaikel
5) It's okay to pray about the little things
Coming to God in prayer is not just reserved for the big things such as passing your upcoming exam or for His protection. God is the absolute best listener because He is the only one who knows exactly what you are going to say and He still listens. It's okay to come to Jesus, with the smallest of grievances, for He hears us when we call. He knows your name and he sees each tear that falls, in fact it says in Psalm 56:8, that He collects our tears in His bottle. God has great compassion on us and wants us to come to Him. In Philippians 4:19 - 20, it says that God will supply all our needs according to His riches and glory, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus. Imagine we have a father who owns cattle on a thousand hills! (Psalms 50:9 - 12, I would like you to read through it). God is the Creator of it all, thus He lacks nothing, so ask and you shall receive, knock and the door will be opened to you. Seek and you wiil find.
I pray that the month of April will be filled with blessing and God's abundance of favour, grace and mercy, may He open doors for us that no man can shut and may we prepare for them!
Question of the week: What have the first three months of this year taught you?
Happy Easter Sunday! He is Risen ❣️✝️
All my love ❤️