Monday, April 29, 2024

April Reflections

Good morning/afternoon/evening, you beautiful people! 

April has been a month of many lows and a few highs and this is what the month that is now drawing to close has taught me❤️

Let go of the need to be right and seen and heard for the wrong reasons 
This is such a difficult ask. I, myself know just how painful it can be to do something just because it is the right thing to do. To just want to be of service and to watch someone who is doing the exact opposite get all the validation and praise. But remember that we apply the golden rule. We treat others as we want to be treated, remembering that life is a wheel. One day it will turn. What you are doing to or for others has already been done to you. So, if you have/are experiencing this, focus on your why and if you realize that maybe you are not doing it for the right reasons, you can always take a step back and reevaluate. ❤️

You can let go of something that you truly want if it is not working, even if it's difficult, it's doerable 
I know that many people don't start anything with an expiry date in mind. I know that I didn't! I strongly valued the fact that I saw things through no matter how difficult. I later realized, after seeking council, just how foolish I was. Working myself to the ground and wanting to fight battles that God did not send to fight and win is asking for trouble. In light of this, know that's more than okay to walk away from something that is not working, even if you love it. Even though you came in with the right intentions and a pure heart. Don't make yourself the sacrificial lamb, let it go! It will be painful but nothing hurts more than seeing something fall apart and watching yourself fall apart along with it because you didn't walk away sooner, yet you could have. So, take this as a sign to walk away from something that isn't working, especially if you have tried. It's time to put all that energy into yourself. 

It's okay to let someone go (even if you still love them and wish that things were different)
It's important to face the truth about someone and how they see and value you. I know first-hand how painful this can be. It hurts so much realizing that someone does not love you in the way that you need to be loved. It hurts to realise that despite everyone's voice, as an adult making our own choices are our responsibility and if  that's a future without them in it, then it's okay. It's more okay to make this choice because you matter, your health matters, your sanity matters and your future matters. Does this person truly value any of these important things in the way that they should? 

It's okay to quit 
It's okay to walk away. Choosing yourself is not selfish, it's self-care. 

Never leave the alter 
What I mean by this is to never stop praying. Even if it looks like what you want from the Messiah is like asking for a long lost train that has left the station. Keep on, keeping on. With your mustard seen faith, never leave the alter.

You have to fight self-sabotage, there's no other way but through 
I have struggled and still do struggle with self-sabotage. I tend to leave things before they leave me. I don't give things a proper chance to fail or succeed organically. I realized this when I wanted to quit choir and go home for the weekend. I was unsure if I would make the cut, to be chosen as a chorister and that feeling was scary. I wanted to run so badly, to make the 'safe' decision and quit. It put me back in control of the situation. I realized that I do this with many other situations. I want to feel safe and I want to feel in control, so I make premature decisions in order to feel better, in order to feel stable. I know that whether I make the final cut or not, this experience would have nurtured and grown me, regardless. I understand that I am safe, I have now begun to validate myself. One of the main things that I am trying to cultivate in myself is structure and telling myself that it's okay to put effort in something and give the rest to God. Even if it may not be my desired outcome, I owe it to myself to have full closure. I refuse to live with regret, so now I choose to see things through. It's not always easy but I am always so grateful. Where I fall short or lapse into old habits, I journal to figure out why and how it happened. I, then pray and do my best to continue on my journey of growth. When it comes to opportunities that I seemingly have blown, thanks to self-sabotage, I pray, if I cannot get it out of my head, if I cannot seem to move on. I pray and I ask God for closure, I ask God for help and for a second chance, if it is His Will for me. 

People can bottomless pits, there is nothing wrong with only doing what is required of you 
I used to think (when I say used to I mean two hours ago!) that it's such a noble thing to be the good Samaritan. Forever helping, giving people things that they never asked for, just anticipating people's needs and meeting them, just because it's "the right thing to do". What I didn't know was that people can be like bottomless pits. Coming out of nowhere to take what you don't have to give. Boundaries are so important! Honestly, boundaries should be the word of the year for me because I need to learn how to set and enforce them respectfully! It's okay to help those, who actually need you, but know that people who need help ask for it and are more than happy to meet you halfway. You won't have to work alone to pull someone else up. There's a saying that says, " You cannot help a cow stand up unless, she helps herself up". In the same way, you cannot help someone who makes you do all the work. Let people go and focus on yourself, and the half-baked task that you left hanging in order to help them. I truly am speaking to myself on this point because my lack of boundaries is not helping me at all. 

Question of the week: How was your first month of Autumn/Spring?

I absolutely loved it! It reminded me why it is my favourite season. It is the perfect blend of summer and winter. I like both seasons but I cannot stand either temperature for too long, so Autumn is the breath of fresh air that I need before bracing myself for winter. Will it feel like winter or summer tommorrow? Who knows, we'll just have to wait and see! ๐Ÿ˜‚❤️

I pray that April was good to you, Friends! What has the month of April taught you? 

All my love
Ruthy ❤️

Sunday, April 21, 2024

My advice to eldest daughters and sons during this season ๐Ÿ’ฐ

Good morning/afternoon /evening, you beautiful people! 
I had a completely different post planned for this week but considering that many TVET college students on the NSFAS program have gotten their lump sum it felt right. There was and is so much going on and as I am learning and growing, I am sharing what I wish I knew earlier. What I now pray that I have the courage to do: choose myself. To know and understand that I am my first priority, truly. Before I am a sister, a daughter, a student. I am Ruthy. I am my own person. I belong to God and to myself, before I am anything else ; I need you to believe the same. 

I know and understand that there are responsibilities that fall on our shoulders. While it is more blessed to give than to receive, I truly wish for you to be a cheerful giver. 

I empathise with those of you who are been given pressure to pay for bills and sort things out that were never yours to carry. It is such a beautiful thing to be able to give back to those who were there for you and continue to be there for you. I want you to choose yourself, unashamedly. 

Homework of the week: save 10% of your bursary allowance, for yourself, for a rainy day.  I'll do the same, I have opened a Tyme Bank account, specifically for this!

I am still awaiting my allowance though๐Ÿ‘€...

All my love

Monday, April 15, 2024

Dear Fatherless Daughter/Son❤️ part 3

Good morning/afternoon/evening, you beautiful people! 

It is a fine Monday afternoon as I writing to you. This series is so near and dear to my heart because I feel that so often we bear the scars of having emotionally unbalanced and abusive parents and we go through life feeling like such a burden for having being told too much and not given a proper opportunity to be young, innocent and without a care in the world. 

I know this feeling all too well and I know that it's so easy to get caught up in the worry and fatigue of carrying burdens that were never yours to carry. I found myself incredibly sick as in bedridden, popping pills and nursing aches that for someone of my age is incredibly alarming. This was such a wake up call for me because I realized that I was carry burdens that were not mine. Instead looking at myself, mentally I was everywhere but present with myself. 

I truly believe that sometimes what doesn't kill you, leaves you mentally ill, we don't talk about this enough. 
This was partially what inspired today's post as I pondered on what I meant by writing this and how I wished to expand on this topic for dearest readers.

I really want to emphasise the debilitating effect that pressure and trauma have on the human mind and body. It can quite literally paralyse and kill you. 

I want you to know and understand that it's not wrong or selfish to choose yourself, in fact it's the right thing to do. 

As I lay on the floor of the apartment that I have just moved into, I think about my life and how I wish to move forward. I think about the fact that I have more time on my hands. With that time. I am going to commit to learning to choose myself and I wish for you to do the same. 

Your father's issues don't define you, they never have and never will. While navigating your way as you choose to heal, remember that it's okay to feel. Be it empathy, sorrow or rage but remember to choose yourself first. Choose yourself over wanting someone else to choose you. 

Take care, my friends, winter has shown up early this year and it is extremely cold. ❣️

All my love 

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Let's Talk: Welcoming Autumn + TWICE'S 13th mini album

Good morning/afternoon/evening, you beautiful people! 

Is this going to be a yearly occasion because it can be! Where there's TWICE, there is a (most likely) an early year album!

TWICE'S 13th mini album, With You-th came out on the 23rd of February 2024 and this year I did not listen to it immediately but when I finally did, it hit the spot! When do these girls ever miss?!

In today's blog post I am going to unpack the mini album: which consists of my favorite songs and what I like most about the album!

One Spark
This song is one of my favourite songs from the album because I have The Feels for someone (see what I did there๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ˜‚❤️). My favourite line from the song is, " Everybody wants that endless flame , because at the end of the day, don't we want a lifelong partnership that makes us happy?
I Got You
I immediately fell in love with this song because it's about  being in a relationship with someone  who has got your back and you have got theirs. My favourite line from the song is, " no matter what, you've got me, I've got you and I wouldn't want it any other way". 
Overall I loved how their album has such a strong presence of friendship. It's not all about romantic love and it's amazing to see them genuinely love and appreciate one another, especially after being together for so long.

I liked this song immediately, because of the beat. 
My favourite line from the song is," I don't want to complicate it". I feel that part of the song so much! ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ˜‚❤️

New New
It has such a catchy beat and an incredible message, I love it! 
My favourite line from the song is, "think I did me some growing, everyday I've been showing up". 

This is such a vibey song that just makes me dance every time, I hear it. I would love a live performance for this song. I wish that we got more promotional content for TWICE'S mini- albums. My favourite line from the song is, "Twice the magic of the sun and moon", it sounds cool to me. 

You Get Me
This is the last song on the album and I truly grew to love it. "you got me, I've got you, we've got it for life". After hearing so much about 'seasonal relationships' and lessons, sometimes you just want something good to last and it makes me happy to listen to such music. It's refreshing, like the cool autumn breeze. 

I honestly loved this entire album and I feel like this strongly relates to the fact that I FANCY someone! I am going through a season of wanting to know, What is Love? All-in-all, I am lovesick and I am doing everything to avoid facing and admitting it but how I relate and like this album proves othewise. This is a great, energetic album and I rate it a solid 8, only because we need more promotional content, especially promoting their B-sides. TWICE has incredible B-sides and unless you are an avid fan, you may miss them. 

I am truly proud and grateful to be a ONCE, as I have been once for about four years now. I absolutely love their mini albums, although I was really hoping for a full album! Their full albums are so beautifully made that I keep on listening to their 2nd and 3rd full albums over and over again. I also kinda wish that Nayeon would release a second album, as I love her first and would love to hear more from her as a solo artist.

All my love 

Let's Talk: Youth Day๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฆ + Father's Day: A dual celebration?

Good morning/afternoon/ evening, you beautiful people!  It is a chilly winter evening as I write to you all on June 16th. Today is a dual ho...