May Reflections

Good morning/afternoon/
evening, you beautiful people!

In honour of the month that was and looking towards the beautiful month that now is. I am delighted to share with you all my monthly reflections and lessons. It feels as though winter has come out of nowhere! Stay warm, Friends! ❤️

Do it for love, not the glory or outcome 
In life, we all have passions and we hope to be rewarded, seen and validated. While this is completely normal, healthy, even to a certain degree. It is important to remember to enjoy the journey, to enjoy the present moment, more than anything else. Do what you do because you enjoy it and let any other thing gained be a surplus. The month of May taught me to just enjoy doing what I love, even if nothing else comes out of it. The fact that I was able to spend so much time doing something I love is a memory that I will cherish and hold dear, for years to come. Follow your passions out of love, not because you simply wish to be seen. It will make whatever you spend your time doing more meaningful💞. If you like it, if it matters to you, if you enjoy it then that is all that matters. 
It's okay to ask God for confirmation 
It's okay to be like Gideon. It's okay to ask God for confirmation. It does not make you any less of a believer or a Child of God. When I ask God for confirmation, I become very specific, as Gideon was. I ask for a very specific thing to happen or for someone to say something and I tell no one else of what I have asked God to confirm until I have received my confirmation. This puts me at ease when I make a decision that I need clarity on. If you do not know, it's more than okay to ask our Heavenly Father for counsel, support and confirmation. 
May was Mental health awareness month and for anyone who is struggling or going through it. I see you, I hear you, I honour your courage to keep on, keeping on. 🙏Life comes and goes in waves, one day it will feel better. It's okay if today isn't that day, tomorrow may be better. 

All my love❤️


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