Let's Talk: Embracing Grief + Loving ourselves through the process
Grief is a fickle emotion. It comes and goes in waves.
On the 21st of July, it would have been my late friend's 22nd birthday. I was struck with emotion, waking up having received a Facebook notification, reminding me of her special day.
I choose to remember her and not view grief as a bad thing. I have a quote my 2024, year vision board and it says I have decided to embrace grief for love lived there first. She was one of the only people that I genuinely called, "friend." I trusted and confided in her. She was such a sweet soul who was so deserving of all good things.
Grief comes in many forms, in different stages of our lives. I, too experienced grief during my first week as a 22-year-old young woman. I thought of my childhood and all that it entailed. Realizing just how much I shoved down in survival mode, that 22-year-old Ruthy now has to deal with. That's scary but I am doing my best to unpack it and heal.
I am staring down this new path called, "adulthood", wondering what I want to do after college and asking God to bless and order my steps.
Grief is normal, it's means that we have lived and loved. It's not innately a negative emotion. In fact many of emotions are not bad. It's how we react to them and then tend to wallow in that emotion for an extended amount of time that then becomes negative.
I struggle with grief and I am learning that it is apart of my human journey.
I hope that you learn to sit with grief and unpack it. Grief is not here to hurt or take you under. Your emotions are always trying to tell you something, so listen.
Remembering that how you feel is oh, so valid and that you are not alone. The beauty of the human experience is that what you are going through, so many others are too! We may not openly talk about our struggles and triumphs but you are not the first nor the last. This gives me courage, knowing that others walked this path and come out on the other side of this maze.
So, holding God's Hand, I continue to walk in the journey, called Life. Remembering those that I lost along the way and trying my best to help some too! The goal is not to make it alone but if for now all you can do is put one foot in front of the other. Please do so❣️
Life has so many more colours than black, white and grey.
Question of the week: What are your emotions trying to show you?
All my love ❤️