August Reflections + The beginning of a new season 🌸
Good morning/afternoon/evening, you beautiful people!
Happy Spring Day! 🌺 Winter is officially over and I couldn't be more grateful!
August has been a busy, blessed month for me and I am grateful to present to you my monthly reflections🌸!
As I am coming to the end of a three year long college journey, I am a little afraid of the new beginning and level in life that I will be assuming and I've learned that it's okay! Leaving something routine and familiar to begin a new journey is scary. Allow yourself to feel curious, excited and afraid. Whenever I feel emotional, I tell myself that's it's okay to feel. I am emotionally invested because I care and it's okay to care, to hope, to feel. I care because what I'm doing matters to me and I see this as a positive thing. Hoping, caring, wishing won't jinx the future. I am learning to understand that my feelings are not the enemy but rather a messager. So, yes I am afraid of this new journey that I will be embarking on. Moving from a student in college to a student in university. From the 19-year-old girl to the 22-year-old woman. I am so proud of all the growth and progress that I have made. I am looking forward to all that God has in store for my future. So, look fear in the eye and say it's okay! I'll overcome you because there is something you need to tell me before you leave.
The closure of a life chapter is sad but
beautiful too
I am an extremely sentimental person. I prefer for things to stay the same. Life doesn't work that way though, as the only constant in life, other God is change. My three years in college are almost over. I haven't cried about it just yet because I still have exams to write! I am slowly accepting this reality and this change. As I am digesting my three years of college, I am sad but I also appreciate the beauty as I am closing this chapter. There have been many highs and lows but through it all I am reminded of a quote by Winnie the Pooh.
"How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard. "
I feel blessed to be moving on to a new chapter in my life. I am so incredibly lucky and blessed to have something to miss, something that makes saying goodbye hard. It's a beautiful experience, to even get to say to goodbye.
Choose yourself
We all only live once. We have one life and inhabit one earthly body. As an older sibling, I know firsthand the pressure to be the "sacrificial lamb", in order to help everyone else. Choose yourself first, allow yourself to grow and heal first. You cannot give what you do not possess. You cannot pour from an empty cup. You pour from your overflow, anything more is taking what your very life depends on. It is Suicide Prevention Month, a month very close to my heart. Don't lose sight of who you are, what you like, what you value trying to be everything to everyone but yourself. You matter! Choose yourself, over and over again! Don't become caught up in helping others that you forget to help yourself. ❤️ Your dreams matter. Your voice matters. You matter because you possess intrinsic value! Never forget that you are magic and you are so worth it! 💫 You are worth the love. You are worth the effort! You are worthy!
Celebrate yourself
This is something that I used to be weary of when I was younger. I did not want to come across as prideful or overbearing. As I have gotten older, I have realized that this is not the case. Celebrating yourself has nothing to do with other people! It's being proud of yourself and your effort. Acknowledging your growth and your wins. It's about being able to be proud of how far you have come. No one should celebrate you more than you celebrate yourself. You should be your biggest cheerleader. Life is a marathon, it wouldn't be same if you didn't celebrate how far you've come and how much you have to look forward to on the journey ahead.
Be slow to react
Our feelings are messagers and our feelings are valid. Do not be quick to react to them. Respond, after some thought. It's so easy to ruin a beautiful day, moment or relationship in the heat of emotions. Give yourself some time to think rationally. Is this the whole truth or am I being emotional? Does this truth need to said by me? Does it need to be said by me now? What would the consequences of my words have? Can I handle these consequences? Have I played a role in things getting here? How can I be better, kinder and more empathetic? Would I be okay if these were the last words that I said to this person and why? Introspection before a conversation can prevent so much unnecessary chaos and regret. Once spoken a word cannot be unsaid. This also helps you to effectively say what you need to.
Take it one day at a time and leave worrying about the bigger picture to God
I know what's it's like to be so completely, insanely overwhelmed. In times like these, I stop planning so far ahead and I just focus. I focus what I need to do each day to be a better person. I ask myself what can I do today that is within my power? I take it day by day and I let God take care of the bigger picture. I do this until eventually the fog fades and I can think about the future without crippling anxiety. I do this as many times as necessary.
Love is a verb
Love is something that someone shows you. It is something that you feel. It is not a mere saying. It is backed up by consistent action and communication. Love is not something your significant other just tells you. You feel safe, you feel sturdy because love is sturdy. Love is not a roller-coaster of emotions and an unending stormy sea.
Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth.
1 Corinthians 13:4–8a (ESV)
Love does not leave you unsure and bruised. Love is so much more than what tv presents it to be. Love is not aggressive, love is not supposed to hurt. Love is a verb, so don't take someone at their word. Look at their actions and how you feel in their presence.
I pray that we all experience pure, true love in this lifetime ❤️. There will be ups and downs in love but love is never supposed to make you feel unsafe, unseen and unheard. Love wants what is best for you, love is not a cage. It's quite the opposite, love sets you free!
September is quite a busy month for matriculants and college students! This can be daunting but I believe in you and your ability! You are so capable and you can do it! Stay hydrated and remember why you started and why you want this!
Question of the week: What has the month of August taught you?
All my love❤️