Let's Talk: Final Exams and End of Year Pressure

Good morning/afternoon/evening, you beautiful people!

Around this time of year, I usually give tips on how to pull an all-nighter or a study related blog. Today I just want to let you know that if you're reading this and you're still in school, I am proud of you! 

It is not easy. Choosing to stay in school and further your knowledge and education is a difficult thing to do. Right now I feel in the thick of the battle. 

It's the most challenging when you are so close to the finish line. There will be so much temptation. Things around you or even within you may try to distract you from your end goal. 

I want you to remember why you started. I want you to make future you and little you proud. You have not come this far, just to come this far. There are only a few short weeks left of the academic year. Keep fighting, keeping praying, keep hustling. Knowing that your work will be rewarded in good time. 

I am tired and I do not have many words to write but I just want you to know that your work is not in vain. God sees you, He hears, He knows you and He loves you! ❤️ Don't you dare listen to that voice of doubt, self-sabotage or fear. You will make it! 

All my love ❤️


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