October Reflections, Lessons and Thoughts 🌺

Good morning/afternoon/evening, you beautiful people!
I present to you what the month of October has taught me! 

It's important to stand up for yourself 
There is a time for everything under the sun. A time to let things slide and be the bigger person and a time to take action. There comes a time in life where you need to report someone to their senior and allow protocols to take place. A time where you need to stand up for yourself, when you are being mistreated. We teach people how to treat us. We are not door mats. People have seniors for a reason. Rules and regulations are meant to be followed and upheld. Do not be afraid to know your rights and responsibilities and respectfully ensure that you are taken care of within reason and protocol. 

Allow your loved ones to support you 
Doing it alone is exhausting. You are not superman! It is an honour and a privilege to have loved ones who want to and are able to be there for you. Set your ego and pride aside, knowing that is such a privilege to loved, to be seen and to be helped. ♥️ To be loved is to be known. To have loved ones who see that you need help and offer it is a great blessing. Please know that is it also more than okay to ask for help. It is okay to ask for what you need as well. It is okay to take up space and ask! It is also equally important for us to become comfortable with receiving. 

Gratitude through it all will take you through the storm
Honestly, I have had such an awkward relationship with gratitude. It felt like I had to be grateful even when I was in the midst of my struggles. Even when I could not see the light, I somehow had to or I thought that I was not being a good person. What I have learned is that my struggles and pain do not make me ungrateful. It is okay to struggle even occasionally complain, we are human beings after all. What I have learned not to do is to stay in that state of mind. I splashed hot oil on my eye yesterday and I was absolutely terrified but God's grace was there and my eyesight is completely unaffected. I was so upset with myself for being careless and I wept. I gave myself the evening to feel my very physical pain and the scare that I felt of almost damaging my eye. This morning, I woke up and my eyesight is completely normal and though I am shaken, things could have been so much worse. So, I set my emotions aside and I am grateful that I can see all colours of God's green earth and that I have my eyesight. Now, will I touch hot oil again, not for a few months at least! I am still honouring the fact that it was traumatising but I am not going to wallow and allow myself to go down that rabbit hole especially during exam season. My hope in telling you my personal story is to show you that it is okay to feel. Feel sad, feel angry, feel shocked, feel the pain, the hurt but do not allow yourself to be so stuck in your own difficulties that you don't see the blessings and grace of God that is in your  life. 💞

Let your loved ones know how you feel
It's never cringe to say, “thank you” , “I love you” , “I am proud of you”! 
I feel that sometimes it's seen as weird to say how you feel, especially to someone who you love. Love is sometimes typically shown in acts of service, which is important because love is a verb but your loved ones still need to hear it from you. When you feel proud of them, tell them. I always appreciate being told that I am loved by someone that I love. So, at the risk of being seen as “too much” by the world, let your loved ones know how you feel about them. Actions speak louder than words but words are still so powerful. That is why the pen is mightier than the sword. It is why poetry is so powerful. Words have immense power, do not forget to uplift those around you with your words. 💞 You can give blessings, life, courage and so much through the words that you speak. So don't be stingy to speak life into those around you. 

Pray for those you love
Whether it's a parent, a friend or your crush! I find that the most loving thing you can do for someone is cover them in prayer, especially if you aren't close to them. Even if you are close, I find that praying for someone you love and taking them to God helps everyone! There are only things that God can do. God knows how to heal broken hearts and be there in ways that you and I cannot be. So, allow God to do what only He can do! Prayer is so powerful! 

What God has given you, no one can take away
“The magic cannot leave you when the magic is you”! God has all given us something special. Just because you may be struggling does not mean that God has taken it away. Joseph's colourful coat was not the actual portion that God had given him. When it was taken away from him, God remained faithful and used his struggle and hardship for Joseph's greater good and God's ultimate Glory. In the same way, the grace, the gift, the favour that God has given and placed upon you far surpasses your accolades and physical attributes. Please know that if you are struggling God is still there. Keep praying, keep trying. The magic is you, the blessing is you through Chirst Jesus. That innate worth and blessing surpasses material things. Listen to your heart and you will find your way. God and His magic have never left you! It's going to okay, eventually! It's what I tell myself ❤️. 

You are more than your emotions
Show up, regardless. 
There are times where I feel really sad and like giving up or not showing up but I remind myself that I am not my feelings. My feelings are valid and are a messager but they do not always have my best interest at heart. In moments like these I say a little prayer and take on the day. Even though, I am tired sad, afraid or late. I do not allow my feelings to stop me from doing the right thing. My feelings fluctuate but the next right thing that I have to do does not! So, do the next right thing, even if you do it slowly. Show up for future you and also for little you. Do not always listen to your feelings in the present moment. 💞

Question of the week: What has the month of October taught you? 

All my love ❤️


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