Sunday, November 12, 2023

Disposable Cup Pt. 2 By Ruthy Zikhali

Good morning/afternoon/evening, you beautiful people! 

Here is part 2 of my series, Disposable Cup. This poem written by Ruthy Zikhali, describing her toxic relationship with her father and the journey that she embarks on to healing, forgiveness and growth. 

Please enjoy♥️!

Like a snob
Like I have been robbed
I went in for a blowdry
But instead came out with a bob
Like I have been hit in the chest 
Unprotected, without a bulletproof vest
So, while I Iay on the ground 
Looking for a bullet, I found 
A gaping hole
Was there no peace for my soul?!
All I wanted was to be loved
At some point I was as innocent as a dove  🕊 
And knowing that these days have passed
I slowly begin my healing journey, at last

All my love ♥️

Catch me on my other platforms!
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